Your Microelectronics Partner
DA-Integrated is a leading global provider of Integrated Circuit Development,
Product Introduction and Supply Management Services. We offer
Comprehensive Production Test Solutions and Custom ASIC Services.
Real world experience with 100+ Customers and 500+ Chips positions us to enable
customer success in execution of IC Design, Product Introduction and Volume Supply.
Custom ASIC
Comprehensive Test Solutions
Collaborative Development and Customer Owned IP
- System Level and ASIC Feature Definition
- Feasibility Assessment and ASIC Specification
- ASIC Design, Tape Out, Prototyping
- Introduction and Qualification
- Turnkey Supply Management
ATE Development augmented by Complementary Services:
- Verification and Functional Vector Generation
- Custom Digital Test Access and BIST, Custom Analog BIST
- Product Introduction, Qualification and Characterization
- Production Test and Supply Management Services

David Graef, VP and CTO, LeCroy: We first engaged with DA-Integrated specialized production test offering. Based on the success of that activity, our relationship has grown to include IC Design, Test Development, and Supply Management services. The technical breadth and depth that DA-Integrated provides is unique in the world, and is a perfect match for our requirements.

Don McCarthy, CEO, Orchidee: We began working with DA-Integrated early in the establishment of our company. Eleven years and many product generations later, we continue to enjoy a mutually beneficial partnership. I give my strongest possible recommendation for the DA-Integrated team.

Martin Tilch, Director Product and Test Engineering, Lantiq: DA-Integrated provided development services for our RFIC product and demonstrated an extremely high level of expertise and dedication. During the product introduction they also managed sampling and pre-production, making a significant contribution towards shortening our time to market.

David Graef, VP and CTO, LeCroy: We first engaged with DA-Integrated specialized production test offering. Based on the success of that activity, our relationship has grown to include IC Design, Test Development, and Supply Management services. The technical breadth and depth that DA-Integrated provides is unique in the world, and is a perfect match for our requirements.
08/2017- DA-Integrated collaborates with Carleton University to help build new CERN ATLAS Collider Inner Tracker.